Friday, December 28, 2012

A Conscious Year in Review

     Ready for 2013? I know, you’ve made resolutions and as an individual of higher consciousness, you’re presently celebrating Kwanzaa. 

This year gave us many gifts, and there were as well many chastisements on the part of our ancestors for the position of Black folks in America has changed, is changing and many of the Negroid populace are unaware of it. 

As Dr. Umar Johnson said, your position in this country is peculiar. No longer are you the exploitable class. That was given to Hispanics two years ago,via strides in politics, media coverage and entertainment. 


Since you’re no longer the mascot of America, and your children certainly are the overlooked population when it comes to Eurocentric education, Asians have become the educational class. 

Arabs are the new enterprising class. That makes Black folks the expendable class. The fallacy of the present conscious community is that we’ve started celebrating. I log into Facebook and see  my Moorish, Nuwaubian and Pan-Africanist brothers and sisters rejoicing at the downfall of “whitey”. They have succumbed to the belief, much like too many post document(Civil Rights Act 1965), Blacks that since we can’t see White hegemony, somehow it doesn’t exist. 

Tell me, if you are victorious, where is your land? Where is your government? Where are your independent schools? Do your businesses affect or disrupt the present power structure? Do you represent more than one half of one percent of the nation’s wealth as a collective? 

The answers to these questions are obvious. If anything, the European isn’t done, and has purposed events to happen this way. 2013 will be the year that our people will be given more, through the illusion of abundance. Therefore when the European turns up the gas, and our people complain of poor treatment in this Diaspora, the European can respond with, “ what are you talking about? There’s no racism. I mean, you have a Black President and you have more programs geared toward you than any other group.” 

This illusion of inclusion is the silent killer of our people. 

Let’s take a look of some of the issues that faced,infuriated and manipulated the minds of our people in 2012: 

1)They bombarded us with the belief that Tim Tebow was the only athlete that ever believed in God. Despite countless Black athletes that thanked the Lord for their abilities, Tebowmania resulted in interviews, a book deal and parodies by late night sketch comedies. 


    Interesting that Black athletes are urged to be apolitical by the European power structure, yet this religious concept captured the attention of the masses long enough that the hegemony could plot their modern Titanic, in the Costa Concordia incident. 



2)Whitney Houston made her transition. Speculation on her sacrifice is still pending. 

3)The Trayvon Martin situation started in this month and was co-opted from the beginning. It was doctored to stroke racial tensions, providing the illusion of progress for our people and provoking the survivalist tendencies of average Europeans. 


Americans learned more about Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law and Sigma Pi Phi members Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson quickly swooped in to neutralize the situation.  In the aftermath, there is still a survivalist atmosphere amongst Caucasians, small towns still harbor 50s era sentiments to individuals of color and the institutional racist structure is stronger than ever today because we had no apparatus in place to combat the misinformation. Still our sons, fathers and brothers are shot and there’s no justice as their bodies are lowered into the ground. 


4)The film, “The Hunger Games” subliminally laid out the strategy that the conscious of us have discussed for decades. 

5)The Kony 2012 campaign was yet another hijacked, false flagged event that so-called Democracy seekers screamed for. Dr. Jeffries was right, our people have a paralysis of analysis. 

6)They gave you your first glimpse of Project Blue Beam in practice with their 2pac hologram at Coachella. 

      7)This was also around the time that the Klansmen in suits, you know them as political candidates, Republican Presidential debates died out. 

       8)President Obama, as predicted by many of us, backed homosexual marriage, proving that brainwashed black folks will back a candidate that’s done nothing for us. He’s but the latest beneficiary of Meritorious Manumission, with a White House and Air Force one as his toys.

9)The London Olympics started with a ritual and remained so throughout the “games”. giving us a festive glimpse of their plans for future posture as the new “Zion” and one of the next seats of Rome. 

        10)The Penn State Scandal was hyped by the media to further the feminist lie that men are inherently creeps and rapists. What they didn’t tell you was that young black males were the ones most affected by Sandusky’s lustful mannerisms. 

11)The Aurora Colorado False Flag attack worked to the elites advantage. So did the Newtown Ritual Sacrifice at Sandy Hook, which was ordained courtesy of the mass 12-12-12 concert. 

12)Hurricane Sandy devastated millions and Jordan Davis shooting prompted everyman militia behavior out of Caucasian men. They believe they are at war and you are their enemy. 

December 21st, 2012 wasn’t the end of the World, but was the end of “their” world. 2013 marks the beginning of consciousness for some, the continuation of it for others and the confirmation of lack of it for most. Black nation building isn’t a choice at this point, it’s a defense mechanism. 

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