Friday, December 28, 2012

A Conscious Year in Review

     Ready for 2013? I know, you’ve made resolutions and as an individual of higher consciousness, you’re presently celebrating Kwanzaa. 

This year gave us many gifts, and there were as well many chastisements on the part of our ancestors for the position of Black folks in America has changed, is changing and many of the Negroid populace are unaware of it. 

As Dr. Umar Johnson said, your position in this country is peculiar. No longer are you the exploitable class. That was given to Hispanics two years ago,via strides in politics, media coverage and entertainment. 


Since you’re no longer the mascot of America, and your children certainly are the overlooked population when it comes to Eurocentric education, Asians have become the educational class. 

Arabs are the new enterprising class. That makes Black folks the expendable class. The fallacy of the present conscious community is that we’ve started celebrating. I log into Facebook and see  my Moorish, Nuwaubian and Pan-Africanist brothers and sisters rejoicing at the downfall of “whitey”. They have succumbed to the belief, much like too many post document(Civil Rights Act 1965), Blacks that since we can’t see White hegemony, somehow it doesn’t exist. 

Tell me, if you are victorious, where is your land? Where is your government? Where are your independent schools? Do your businesses affect or disrupt the present power structure? Do you represent more than one half of one percent of the nation’s wealth as a collective? 

The answers to these questions are obvious. If anything, the European isn’t done, and has purposed events to happen this way. 2013 will be the year that our people will be given more, through the illusion of abundance. Therefore when the European turns up the gas, and our people complain of poor treatment in this Diaspora, the European can respond with, “ what are you talking about? There’s no racism. I mean, you have a Black President and you have more programs geared toward you than any other group.” 

This illusion of inclusion is the silent killer of our people. 

Let’s take a look of some of the issues that faced,infuriated and manipulated the minds of our people in 2012: 

1)They bombarded us with the belief that Tim Tebow was the only athlete that ever believed in God. Despite countless Black athletes that thanked the Lord for their abilities, Tebowmania resulted in interviews, a book deal and parodies by late night sketch comedies. 


    Interesting that Black athletes are urged to be apolitical by the European power structure, yet this religious concept captured the attention of the masses long enough that the hegemony could plot their modern Titanic, in the Costa Concordia incident. 



2)Whitney Houston made her transition. Speculation on her sacrifice is still pending. 

3)The Trayvon Martin situation started in this month and was co-opted from the beginning. It was doctored to stroke racial tensions, providing the illusion of progress for our people and provoking the survivalist tendencies of average Europeans. 


Americans learned more about Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law and Sigma Pi Phi members Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson quickly swooped in to neutralize the situation.  In the aftermath, there is still a survivalist atmosphere amongst Caucasians, small towns still harbor 50s era sentiments to individuals of color and the institutional racist structure is stronger than ever today because we had no apparatus in place to combat the misinformation. Still our sons, fathers and brothers are shot and there’s no justice as their bodies are lowered into the ground. 


4)The film, “The Hunger Games” subliminally laid out the strategy that the conscious of us have discussed for decades. 

5)The Kony 2012 campaign was yet another hijacked, false flagged event that so-called Democracy seekers screamed for. Dr. Jeffries was right, our people have a paralysis of analysis. 

6)They gave you your first glimpse of Project Blue Beam in practice with their 2pac hologram at Coachella. 

      7)This was also around the time that the Klansmen in suits, you know them as political candidates, Republican Presidential debates died out. 

       8)President Obama, as predicted by many of us, backed homosexual marriage, proving that brainwashed black folks will back a candidate that’s done nothing for us. He’s but the latest beneficiary of Meritorious Manumission, with a White House and Air Force one as his toys.

9)The London Olympics started with a ritual and remained so throughout the “games”. giving us a festive glimpse of their plans for future posture as the new “Zion” and one of the next seats of Rome. 

        10)The Penn State Scandal was hyped by the media to further the feminist lie that men are inherently creeps and rapists. What they didn’t tell you was that young black males were the ones most affected by Sandusky’s lustful mannerisms. 

11)The Aurora Colorado False Flag attack worked to the elites advantage. So did the Newtown Ritual Sacrifice at Sandy Hook, which was ordained courtesy of the mass 12-12-12 concert. 

12)Hurricane Sandy devastated millions and Jordan Davis shooting prompted everyman militia behavior out of Caucasian men. They believe they are at war and you are their enemy. 

December 21st, 2012 wasn’t the end of the World, but was the end of “their” world. 2013 marks the beginning of consciousness for some, the continuation of it for others and the confirmation of lack of it for most. Black nation building isn’t a choice at this point, it’s a defense mechanism. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What They Don't Teach in History Class

Older, yet pertinent lecture series by Hakim Bey. The Tamhou truly has little history to glory over.

A Salute to Dr. Carter G. Woodson

                                                               By Risen Pharaoh  

At an epoch when our people were inundated with Eurocentricity, one man resurrected our history. Though many scholars emerged after him, all owe their ability to present research to the tireless devotion of Dr. Carter G. Woodson. 
Woodson’s gift was he taught us that insurrection against a system wasn’t about guns, knives nor tanks but remained contingent on the liberation of one’s mind. He taught us pride. Each Pharaoh ascended to rule Kemet with the expectation that his rule would exceed the kingdom his predecessor had built, so must we commit to building a better future. Dr. Woodson’s words are a fine place to start.  
The Miseducation of the Negro still provides an artillery of insight into identifying the societal assault on the black mind.  How relevant are the words he printed in the 1933 manuscript to states where our children are miseducated in schools only to be murdered in their own communities?If they survive their communities, they are beset by European economic practices that promote colonization. 
Woodson said it best with, “when you control a man’s thinking, you don’t have to worry about his actions.” The Negro folk have unfortunately chosen the colonizer’s capitalism over their color. 

Now, the new colonization is voluntary. 
Woodson was the second black man, behind W.E.B. Dubois, to receive a Doctorate from Harvard and remarked sometime later that it taught him twenty years to remove the Eurocentric thought patterns from his psyche. 

After teaching in the Phillippines, Woodson also worked as dean on the liberal arts at Howard University, publishing the Journal of Negro History and started Negro History week, which later became Black History Month( though it was co-opted into a multicultural manipulation by the powers that be). 
Woodson was an author, historian, publisher, professor and a man with a passion to serve. He cared not for titles, but cared for the enlightenment of his people. He honored his ancestors and now we as his successors must honor him. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Metaphysics of DNA

    If you're looking to elevate your knowledge(know-the-ledge) of metaphysics, look no further than this vid. Dr. Phil makes it plain.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tainted Red Pill Supply

                              Three Beliefs that the Conscious Community Needs to Shed

                                                        By Risen Pharaoh

     You’ve encountered them in your community before or may grace YouTube to listen to a lecture before you go to work or perform a task around the house. In the African Centered Conscious Community, we’ve acquired an unhealthy fixation with certain traditional beliefs.

     Kemet was ours.When one practices Maa’t, he or she feels a sense of calm as well as completion during the day. However,our admiration of Kemet is fruitless if we don’t attempt to build companion kingdoms in this era. If we don’t form nations of our own or unite communities of color globally, every lecture or book tour is in vain.

      If one’s to identify where they need progression,the hindrance must first be identified. There are certain belief patterns the conscious community needs to cease. I see conscious groups debate on Facebook all the time.

       First, why are we debating? Debates do nothing but line  European pockets. As I always say,the new colonization is voluntary.
     Like zoo monkeys, we perform, bamboozle and wow audiences all so master can open the cage every once in a while and toss us a treat.

       This post is an attempt to call order to the conscious community, for how can we lead if our behaviors are substandard? That’s a gorilla ruling a lion, and that’s been the problem. The European conceived that we were the primates and we accepted that role. In the conscious community, we may not poise ourselves as primates, but some of our beliefs are equally as primitive.

                                        White Man is the Devil

      If we’re going to progress, this is the first belief that’s got to go. Sure, that thought pattern gave us hope after the FBI dismantled the UNIA and we were in search of a new leader, first joining with the Moorish Science Temple and later the Nation of Islam. Within the Nation, Elijah Muhammad taught us white men were grafted beasts that Allah would condemn. For a period of time, in order to reach levels of self-reliance, that belief was necessary.

           In the new millennium, this isn’t the case. Still reading? Ok, just checking. No, I’m not an agent giving you disinformation; I’m suggesting that though European hegemony has simply put on new makeup, we’re still giving white men more power than they already deserve by labeling them a spirit entity, even if it’s an opposing, inferior spirit.I admire the Garvey model of organization. We should be so strong in our own nationhood that we don’t have to acknowledge the European’s presence any longer.

                                    Lecturing is Our Only Solution.

          This issue typifies our problem as well. Now, don’t misinterpret, I enjoy lectures and more often than not, will post ones I feel are progressive here. However, there has to come a time where we stop lecturing and lead. Yes, the knowledge is great, but our followers can’t eat  or sleep on the knowledge we distribute.

         Example, I assist in communities onlookers would label as at risk environments. The brother on the corner with his pants sagged and his hat low with grahams in his pocket doesn’t understand Kemet yet. It doesn’t mean that the knowledge isn’t important. It simply means that his understanding hasn’t become overstanding yet and I should first feed his physical interests before nourishing him on a metaphysical level.

         Once we establish an apparatus in place that can help brothers and sisters,whether it be in job placement, new business opportunities or assistance with academia, then we can assist them in their transition to right knowledge.

                          Beliefs Famous Malefactors Will Fight by our Side.

      We criticize Jay-Z and others for promoting a culture of irresponsibility and materialistic music, but we can’t men that rapped about killing the community to somehow become the community Savior.

       Expecting our destroyer to be our Savior is arrested development.  

        Again, it’s a peculiar time to be a Nubian. No longer are you the exploitable class in America. That was taken over by the influx of Hispanics into the states at the turn of the millennium. So, since you are the expendable class, let’s not use the conscious community to once again hide behind titles.

         Nation building will require the service of people, not the self importance of self titled Negros.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Monster is in the House

                               The Reclassification of Race,Class and Status in America 
                                                        By Risen Pharaoh  
Horror films of the seventies and eighties often had the same premise where the protagonist checked beneath their beds for a psychopath, their hearts pounding dreadfully with every ring of the phone. 
  When the character answered the phone on the final ring, it was discovered to be the authorities, calling to inform them the monster had been in the house all along. 
Predictably, a menacing shadow loomed in the hallway, scaring the protagonist. 
 This scenario is synonymous with the state of our people: the problems we’ve encountered in the diaspora have largely been the monster in the house. We’re on the outside looking to solve internal issues.  
Yes, while wars are waged abroad, there are domestic wars daily in our communities with  black on black violence as a constant. Whereas, this social pandemic can be viewed on a moral level, it reaches deeper into our spirituality. 
In America we don’t live, we exist. Our presence isn’t celebrated, it’s tolerated. In the last post I iterated the three types of Europeans.Well, “black” leadership in America falls into three categories and there are three types of African-Americans that are produced by this type of leadership. 
                                                          The Aristocracy
These are your top earning, talented tenth philosophers that feel called to dictate to the race on policy and happenings. They manage activity in the community and have great relationships with the political structures in the community. They control the way you receive the information and shape every debate about your hardships on television with pundits. They get but a piece of the pie themselves delude you into believing crumbs are progress.

                                                      The Average 
This is the least influential, most influenced type. They copy the modes, moods and axioms of the aristocracy, from dress code to variants of behavior. They are looked upon as primitive by the aristocracy yet beseech the aristocracy’s approval. These are your blacks that recite rap lyrics, but can’t read. Our “sistas” purchase technicolor wigs to emulate Nicki Minaj yet don’t know about the legacies of Sojourner Truth, Marie Brown or Queen Hatshepsut. Gucci Mane is their god but Dr. Amos Wilson’s words are foreign to them. 
They regurgitate, through their actions, the worst of Eurocentric behavior and values. I’ve said it before and it bears repeating: Black people are the white people. When the European emerged from the Dark Ages, he distorted the original system of the world and inflicted his period of suffering to every other group.The average black typifies the Black Dark Ages. 
                                                           The Artificial 
This black purposely impedes the progress of building of a black nation. These are your folks that protest, riot and rally hundreds of us under their titles of Rev., Dr., Imam or Master Teacher. If the revolution won’t be televised, why are all these revolutionaries getting airtime interviews? Revolutionaries don’t get airtime, they get assailed. They don’t have followers, they have people that understand their cause.
Many large companies market inferiority to us because we don’t have an apparatus in place as competition to combat it. Boycotting is worthless, as evidenced by the Walmart strike, if we return to the same business the next day. 

A rhythmic and purposed people, we were the crafters of instruments,industry and invention. It’s as if our presence here was ordained by those greater than us and our millenniums of progress and innovation was a pleasure for they and their colleagues to watch.  With this knowledge( know-the-ledge) in mind, we’ve got to build a nation, for as Garvey remarked, “ Germany did it, England did it. Africa with four hundred million can do it!”. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


A compelling lecture by Dr. Umar Johnson that details much of the colonizer's strategy.

The Return of Christopher Columbus

                                                                    By Risen Pharaoh 

And here you thought the Christopher Columbus myth was long debunked by our scholars, but whether you debate his supposed discovery or not, the problem with European hegemony is that we’re battling ghosts, and ghosts are already dead. 

Ghosts can’t be killed, but they can haunt. They can cause anxiety, fear, doubt, distress and distortion of a sense of self, and we can agree that Columbus continues to massacre our communities. 

One such instance of the resurgence of Columbus is through corporate terminology to intellectualize the black hardships in America. Because we are no longer versed in the Art of War, we’ve handicapped ourselves by accepting their forms of progress. 

Equality for all “mankind”, is one and “your civil rights” is another. The aristocracy only remain rulers by using a different language than those they rule. Corporate language neutralizes black folks and fortifies global white supremacy. 

So, while you take the European’s “philanthropic” endeavors in your community as solutions to your suffering, there’s a higher form of wordplay at work. Example, “integration” signaled his return. The term, like emancipation only meant that individual Europeans no longer owned you, but the corporation of European families does. 

In other words, the plan to buy you out was planned out before they brought you here. Integration is a deluxe version of Jim Crow, whereas it was “colored only” yesterday, it’s “America only” today. 

Integration outsourced our greatest talents in the community and promoted a permanent underclass atmosphere in the community of those that remained. Instead of immediately murdering us here wholesale, integration permitted murder on our mother continent. 

The murder of we stateside blacks will happen here eventually and if there’s one admirable attribute of the European, it’s his ability to plan with patience, most of the time making his plan generational. Christopher Columbus murdered millions and his European sympathizers will murder billions.   

I meet with members of the conscious community frequently that want to battle or break free from the colonizer, but don’t understand the colonizer’s techniques. Today, there are three methods of European colonization. 


This is your average European. They are typically puppets of the elite Europeans and represent the fringe, illusory, political views of the average white American. They typically express melancholy, not at the system, but at what they perceive is too many of us gaining advantage in a system crafted by and for them. 

Examples include statements from them like, “this isn’t the American I grew up on,” or, “ the founding fathers wouldn’t be pleased” and my personal favorite, “we have to get spending under control. This is a gangster government.” 

They are reactionary nationalists, only wanting to revolt at the system now that their perceived privilege is threatened. 


This type is the enforcer of the order of global white supremacy. These are your politicians, your policemen and some of your pastors. They are accomplices to the colonizers way of doing things. 

They often appear as your white liberals or white conservatives. To delude you into their shaped options, they’ll often start debate with each other to coerce you into thinking that your issue is well represented when it’s only the pet problem in this complex zoo that they’ve organized. 


This is your dangerous, elusive type. Ever notice that when the European emerge from an era of their suffering, they don’t return to that era of suffering, but instead inflict the era they just left on everybody else. 

When they left the dark ages, they perpetuated and still continue to unleash one on Black America daily. They emerged from the civil war( which was really just a cover for their one world strategy anyway), and created civil war in black communities domestically and abroad. 

Lastly, they suffered under puppet leadership in Rome and carried that practice to America, stripping the Moors of millenniums of hegemony here and nearly erasing them from history to compensate for the European’s lack of factual history. 

The strategist provides money to black organizations to compromise the leadership. Remember, the European didn’t strike immediately in our ancient lands. Their previous experiences with Carthage, Kemet, Nubia and the Asante taught them to be more prudent in their dealings with a superior foe. 

So, they first deployed their missionaries, because if the missionaries could serve as insurgents, they could not only distort native spiritual practices, but the missionaries could dispatch information of the interior of these native kingdoms to their barbaric European cohorts. 

Then they struck. After one hundred years of pacifying our people, they brought in their muskets, destroying our homes, disrupting our vibrations and misappropriating millenniums of agricultural and moral progress. 

Now, the new colonization is voluntary. The black mind has been so colonized that we colonize ourselves, often for the colonizer’s approval. 

To the point that we do nothing about the gentrification of our communities, the closing of black businesses and the rezoning of our schools. 

We figure, since we’re now in an “inclusive” society, those battles matter no more. However, since 1965 all blacks in America have done is play a sophisticated game of Simon says. Now, Simon says, be “emancipated.”