Monday, December 10, 2012

Tainted Red Pill Supply

                              Three Beliefs that the Conscious Community Needs to Shed

                                                        By Risen Pharaoh

     You’ve encountered them in your community before or may grace YouTube to listen to a lecture before you go to work or perform a task around the house. In the African Centered Conscious Community, we’ve acquired an unhealthy fixation with certain traditional beliefs.

     Kemet was ours.When one practices Maa’t, he or she feels a sense of calm as well as completion during the day. However,our admiration of Kemet is fruitless if we don’t attempt to build companion kingdoms in this era. If we don’t form nations of our own or unite communities of color globally, every lecture or book tour is in vain.

      If one’s to identify where they need progression,the hindrance must first be identified. There are certain belief patterns the conscious community needs to cease. I see conscious groups debate on Facebook all the time.

       First, why are we debating? Debates do nothing but line  European pockets. As I always say,the new colonization is voluntary.
     Like zoo monkeys, we perform, bamboozle and wow audiences all so master can open the cage every once in a while and toss us a treat.

       This post is an attempt to call order to the conscious community, for how can we lead if our behaviors are substandard? That’s a gorilla ruling a lion, and that’s been the problem. The European conceived that we were the primates and we accepted that role. In the conscious community, we may not poise ourselves as primates, but some of our beliefs are equally as primitive.

                                        White Man is the Devil

      If we’re going to progress, this is the first belief that’s got to go. Sure, that thought pattern gave us hope after the FBI dismantled the UNIA and we were in search of a new leader, first joining with the Moorish Science Temple and later the Nation of Islam. Within the Nation, Elijah Muhammad taught us white men were grafted beasts that Allah would condemn. For a period of time, in order to reach levels of self-reliance, that belief was necessary.

           In the new millennium, this isn’t the case. Still reading? Ok, just checking. No, I’m not an agent giving you disinformation; I’m suggesting that though European hegemony has simply put on new makeup, we’re still giving white men more power than they already deserve by labeling them a spirit entity, even if it’s an opposing, inferior spirit.I admire the Garvey model of organization. We should be so strong in our own nationhood that we don’t have to acknowledge the European’s presence any longer.

                                    Lecturing is Our Only Solution.

          This issue typifies our problem as well. Now, don’t misinterpret, I enjoy lectures and more often than not, will post ones I feel are progressive here. However, there has to come a time where we stop lecturing and lead. Yes, the knowledge is great, but our followers can’t eat  or sleep on the knowledge we distribute.

         Example, I assist in communities onlookers would label as at risk environments. The brother on the corner with his pants sagged and his hat low with grahams in his pocket doesn’t understand Kemet yet. It doesn’t mean that the knowledge isn’t important. It simply means that his understanding hasn’t become overstanding yet and I should first feed his physical interests before nourishing him on a metaphysical level.

         Once we establish an apparatus in place that can help brothers and sisters,whether it be in job placement, new business opportunities or assistance with academia, then we can assist them in their transition to right knowledge.

                          Beliefs Famous Malefactors Will Fight by our Side.

      We criticize Jay-Z and others for promoting a culture of irresponsibility and materialistic music, but we can’t men that rapped about killing the community to somehow become the community Savior.

       Expecting our destroyer to be our Savior is arrested development.  

        Again, it’s a peculiar time to be a Nubian. No longer are you the exploitable class in America. That was taken over by the influx of Hispanics into the states at the turn of the millennium. So, since you are the expendable class, let’s not use the conscious community to once again hide behind titles.

         Nation building will require the service of people, not the self importance of self titled Negros.


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